A glorious whitewashing paean to Navalny by @Andrew__Roth in @Guardian without a SINGLE mention of the far right ultranationalist views for which he first became known in Russia - his racism, anti-immigrant, islamphobic, gun-nut, neoliberal positions & 2 convictions for fraud 1/2 https://twitter.com/Andrew__Roth/status/1296684479956819969
^ 2/2 In the US or UK Navalny's far right politics would make him a toxic foe of @Guardian. But hey - he's anti-Putin, so who cares? One could compare to him w Tommy Robinson in the UK, except Tommy has far more support & approval in the UK than Navalny does among Russians
One does wonder what is the real motivation of @Andrew__Roth @guardian & the rest of the Western MSM in platforming, whitewashing & promoting such an odious far right ultranationalist figure in Russia. Isnt propping far right figures what they accuse Russian media of in the West?
What is the motivation they claim? Destabilizing? Inciting chaos? Sowing division? Attacking democracy? Yeah....something like that... @Andrew__Roth @guardian
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