After a drop in all case mortality in #sweden in 18/19, it’s normal to have a slight increase in 2020. 1) more susceptible build up in the population 2) nature’s way of going back to the average.
It’s also normal for people who are not trained in health/sciences to feel afraid looking at all these deaths and hearing about all these complications. They didn’t realize how much deaths and disease were ubiquitous. It’s time to realize that they are a natural part of life.
It’s time to accept that wo/man and by extension governments are weak in the face of nature and the human condition. It’s time to be humbled. Remember what a sand dust we are in this universe!
As a health educator, I usually eat wholesome food cooked at home (no processed food) and get as much physical activity outdoors as I can. Some friends accuse me of not enjoying my life. They say “so do you think you will live a couple of years longer than the rest of us!”
There is always that friend who will tell me the story of the person who smoked all his life and died happy and fulfilled at 80 from old age. The moral of this story is that you can’t do anything about when you die.
Well 1st, I do enjoy my life. 2nd, I agree. You can’t do anything about 2 dates: your date of birth and your date of death. But you can do something about your quality of life.
Strange enough today I am the one who is very calm and they are the ones who are distressed. The people who were fatalistic about their health before covid are now the fiercest supporters of government measures and impositions on health freedom and personal liberties.
They are really just petrified for themselves. This is not the pandemic of how society pulled together and people did acts of selflessness for the greater good of society... Wearing the masks for others, staying at home for others and taking the vaccine for others.
This is the pandemic of selfishness, of deep seated fears about having neglected your responsibilities towards your life and health..
If you are panicked. Stop. Breathe. Reconsider how you can regain control over yourself, your wellbeing and your life because this is as far as your control should spread.
Remember C19 is as fatal as the flu. The flu vaccine is not very effective. There are no specific treatments for any respiratory virus. Doctors only manage clinical symptoms. They have done so for many many years. And humanity has survived despite all these limitations.
Rest assured. We will prevail once nature strikes a balance. Trust in mother nature.
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