Tiny changes, remarkable results.

2017: My guy (Azee) & I spent hundreds of hours in this library learning (multiple stuff) & prepping for the future.

Devoured any / every coding challenge we laid our lands on.

Here’s what I’m thinking:

For every hour we spent learning, for every concept we learned, we were investing heavily into the future.

I mean, toward mid year, Facebook, Google, GitHub, etc were already reaching out to us
Asides learning, we flew around the US doing big things for our college.

Month after month, we made visible improvements (tiny changes)
I moved to a new state (Oklahoma) down the line. Started doing projects for giant companies, big colleges & universities.

I was once flown to LAX without a boarding pass to do some hardware shit. Cos I was a beast. Still am 🌚
Azee went on to intern @ Amazon, New York.

Right after that internship, he got a second offer + a Fulltime offer + another offer from Microsoft.

Dude basically left college with 2 big bags.

He’s now @ Microsoft by the way.

For every time you spend learning / building something, you’re investing heavily into your future.

May not look really significant (at the time) , but trust me, you’re making mad progress.

Check yourself after 1 - 4 years
@unicodeveloper will tell you more:
Keep it going. No rush. Don’t quit.

“What if it doesn’t work out ?”

Well, what if it works out ?

There’s only one way to find out - TRY.
April - August 2020, we’ve built a $700k startup. I’ll tell you more next month 🌚
You can follow @favouroncode.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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