What is the most underdiagnosed and untreated nutritional deficiency in India? Vit D; most studies indicate a prevalence of between 60 and 90 per cent of population deficient in the sunshine vitamin. Vit B and C levels are good only in about 25% population.
Vit C and D are the key to healthy immune systems; B is required for healthy metabolism, and new studies even implicate shortage of B in heart disease. Let's not even talk about iron & zinc in Indians. Half of India's women are anaemic, that tells us a lot about the full picture.
Now the big question is: how are people served by keeping them cooped up indoors? Shouldn't vitamin supplementation be at the very forefront of any response to a pandemic of respiratory viral disease? Is locking people up indoors going to help or hurt?
All the vaccine and lockdown supporters out there would do well to search for studies on evidence for and rates of outdoor CoV transmission. Other points of interest could be:
> What Kary Mullis, Nobel laureate and PCR test inventor, said all his life about the technique.
> What is the US CDC's officially declared Infection Fatality Rate for COVID? Is it greater than that of seasonal flu?
> What is the median age of COVID deaths?
> What do scientific studies say about Vit D and COVID infection outcomes?
> What is the difference between micrometres and nanometres? Here: If a micrometre is equal to a cricket pitch, a nanometre is as wide as a thumb. Masks have pores measured in microns, viruses are measured in nanometres.
Face masks stop droplets, not viruses.
But gravity works on droplets, that's why social distancing. In any case, sneezing and coughing people have no business in crowded places during a pandemic. In other words, if the sick people stay home, masks are not required at all. Apple doesn't fall far from tree anyway.
Rather, masks because they are reused by most and are usually in porous cloth form, are a far more dangerous habit for wearers because of bacterial concentration, hypercapnia and hypoxia. And they KILL social distancing.
> What's happening to cancer, TB screening? Or to elective surgeries? India's malaria programme?
> How many will be pushed into starvation by the lockdown? In India? Globally?
> What about mental health issues, courtesy lockdown?
> Sweden didn't lock down. What happened there?
Finally, 'cases'. For a disease asymptomatic in 80% of infections, and that results in positive outcomes for an overwhelming majority of the rest, calling every positive of the (unreliable) PCR test is the same as calling anyone with elevated cholesterol a 'heart disease case'.
Or, anyone found with traces of carcinogens in blood, the kind our fruits and vegetables come coated and packaged food laden with, a 'cancer case'. Or calling anyone with glasses blind, for that matter.
The solution is, and was, isolation of sick and elderly, 'inoculation' of rest with vitamin & mineral supplements, and life (economies) to continue . The virus will run its course and go. The effects of lockdown will be worse by several orders of magnitude, and stay for years.
It is also true that improvements in nutrition have done way more against common infectious diseases than vaccinations. In Germ vs Terrain, it is terrain that has always mattered. But now everyone is so scared of the germ that terrain doesn't appear to matter.
Science means to doubt, ask questions, to use your own sense of logic and deduction, traits that make us the ruling species. Intelligence means survival, it translates into the fittest. Herd immunity is desirable but herd submission is criminal.
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