As I watch the discussions around various elections, looming or less imminent, it occurs to me our presidents and prime ministers don't have to be perfect. We are not electing a god, we are electing a leader: a leader who is (hopefully) one of us - and none of us are perfect. 1/4
There is a tendency to dig into people's pasts. For many of us, times have changed dramatically in our lifetimes. Stuff that was acceptable 50 years ago isn't now. We've changed with the times, we've learnt.

We don't need leaders who are perfect. 2/4
We need leaders who:

Listen to experts
Are willing to learn
Put the interests of the people before their own interests
Care for all, regardless of our differences
Have the ability to be innovative in changing times

But we don't need a god - or leaders who think they are.
Let's not look for perfection, let us look for a decent heart, integrity, honesty. Allow that potential leaders will have made mistakes in life: we all have. Ask have they learnt from those mistakes.

"Stars" are good at being stars. Not necessarily any good at leadership.
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