“Why aren’t you running winter specials?”
“Do you have any covid specials running?”
“When is happy hour?”

I know it’s tough. I know literally everybody has been affected. But small businesses that are still alive are hanging on a thread. Level 2 means nothing. In fact level 2
Means landlords are now calling full rentals. Ters has needed and there’s no payroll support. So it’s tighter now than ever.

PLUS Even though restaurants are suddenly “busy,” they’re still trading below normal. Restricted tables, restricted hours etc.
I guess the best that we personally can try offer is value for money. But we have basically full expenses to sustain with well below average turnovers.

Not a rant, but be mindful of what all small businesses are going through to simply survive.
We are years away from recovery
Can apply this to all industries. Especially the smaller setups. Tradesmen, freelancers, boutique retailers etc
It’s everybody. We can’t expect a discount from everybody while trying to rebuild. We’ll go in circles.
You can follow @_El_Burro.
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