[Thread] Having just finished 4 years of engineering, here's a little something that I hope will add a little value to your lives.

As cliché as it may sound, everything happens for a reason. Every single thing you've undergone has led you to where you are right now. (1/13)
I joined engineering in 2016 because just like most Indian kids, I too was told by the people around me that it was the best thing to do for a secure future. However, midway through the course, I started questioning myself if I was really enjoying what I was doing. (2/13)
My grades were average, and I only studied for the sake of exams. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying engineering is bad. For someone who is passionate about it, it can be really interesting. But I realised it wasn't for me. And I started to think that I realised too late. (3/13)
However, I couldn't quit mid-way because my parents had already paid a substantial amount of fees so I thought I'll just complete the course and then see what to do. (4/13)
Things kept going on normally and one fine day, I was in the computer lab with my friend @Swapneel500 and we finished our work quickly so he was going through Twitter on the computer. Now, this was at a time when I wasn't active on Twitter at all, I just had an account. (5/13)
Swapneel came across @rajupp's tweet about hiring a video editor for TechPP. Both Swapneel and I were huge tech enthusiasts and knowing that I loved tech, he casually showed me the tweet and asked if I would be interested. I laughed it off since the idea seemed far-fetched (6/13)
Later that day, I went back home and found the tweet and bookmarked it. I even set an email impulsively asking about the position but it was for a full-time employee and I obviously had college so couldn't go ahead with it. (7/13)
6 months later, I finished my 4th semester. I had holidays for about 3 months and was looking for an internship but didn't want to code. I decided to go back to the bookmarked tweet and mailed Raju sir again and thought I would give it another shot and try my luck. (8/13)
And to my surprise, I was hired as an intern at TechPP. It was a dream come true as I absolutely loved tech and I hadn't ever imagined that I would be a part of this industry. Moreover, Raju sir was kind enough to let me continue even after my holidays. (9/13)
I've finished engineering now and I plan to continue working in the media industry for the foreseeable future, which of course has no relation to my degree. But why did I talk about all this and how is it related to the first tweet? I'll explain. (10/13)
My parents and a lot of people have mentioned multiple times that what was the use of doing engineering when I'm not doing a job related to it? And that's when you realise, had I not chosen to do engineering, I might have never been where I am today. (11/13)
If I didn't choose to do engineering, I wouldn't have joined the same college. I would've never met Swapneel. I would never come across Raju sir's tweet. I would never apply for a job in this industry. I may have never gotten a chance to follow my passion. (12/13)
The moral is, things may not always go the way you want them to. There will be lows and highs. But at the right time, everything will fall into place. Never have regrets about anything. And most importantly, reiterating this, everything happens for a reason. (13/13)
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