Joe Biden offering plaintive calls for decency & an inclusive patriotism is lovely & effective and completely undermined by his past stances, present platform & future personnel.
Joe Biden could very easily adopt single-payer & staff his cabinet with bright, dedicated public servants who represent the American people instead of corporate interests. He'd begin to achieve what his speech tonight outlined.

Push him to do that because otherwise, he won't.
You could have the America Biden talked about tonight. It's within reach. But corporate control & bad governance has made it impossible. Biden's partially responsible. He can be pressured to change.

Do you want pretty words or do you want the country those words describe?
I want Joe Biden to prove me wrong. In 4 years, I want you to point to how poverty was cut & unions were strengthened & overseas bases were closed down & every American has health coverage & I want you to ridicule me for not voting for Biden.
What I don't want is for me to spent the next few months lamenting his corporate connections & hawkish advisors while no one dares speak a word about it & we get 4 more years of despair & dashed hopes. I don't want to be right.
Imagine the country you want & hold leaders accountable. Letting them win you over with vapid speeches & hollow promises is a tale as old as time and the results we're living through speak for themselves. Biden's not evil; he's weak. Be stronger than his allies.
I'm just talking myself into the .001% chance of hope so I don't go to sleep with a stomach ache again. I know what reality looks like.
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