#MentalHealth concerns after #ABI are common. This is understandable - it’s a life changing event. Trauma from the injury, diagnosis, hospitalization, as well as changes to the brain, adjustments to the injury, and isolation can contribute. Fortunately we also know what can help.
ABIOS also have some great fact sheets on #Mentalhealth after #ABI, with links to services that can help: https://www.health.qld.gov.au/abios/mental-health-and-abi/mental_health
We’re also lucky to have several ASSBI members working hard in this space to understand the complexities around changes to #mentalhealth after #ABI. Board member Jennie Ponsford and current president @Robyn_L_Tate are powerhouses in this area.
Also committee member @neurodana has a wealth of clinical and research expertise in this area, and has even been a part of developing a manualised #CBT program for #depression and #anxiety (also @adamjdmckay!): https://www.assbi.com.au/CBT-ABI-Manual 
@DianeLWhiting has been developing an evidence base around #ACT after #ABI for many years, and have been excited to be able to use a treatment manual and workbook for this program - Di, is this available for purchase at all yet?
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