here's your unfun reminder that as someone who has triggers, they're not "lol ur so mad."

triggers are debilitating. i heard an egg timer ticking & it sent me into a panic attack, followed by dissociation, and it exhausted me further to the point where i had to take 2 sick days.
and i don't mean panic attack as in being mildly anxious and crying, i mean i was frozen in place experiencing emotional flashbacks and remembering being screamed at for not completing my homework before the egg timer went off. "triggered" isn't a cute meme, it's trauma & illness
imagine going through life & something as innocuous as an egg timer ticking or ringing can set you off into a hellish spiral of heart-pounding panic, followed by a catatonic state that can last for hours until someone ELSE pulls you out. all that leaves you sick for 2 days.
and tbh that's not even accounting for generalization -- typically, the earlier a trauma happens to someone, the more their triggers generalize. i was EXTREMELY lucky that my trigger of egg timers didn't generalize to other kinds of ticking or ringing noises.
for leftists/liberals posting "funny" triggered jokes or making fun of conservatives for being "triggered" in the #Triggered tag, just know that ur not hurting your targets. you're hurting traumatized fellow leftists/liberals who see our trauma being used as a joke and a meme.
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