🧵ongoing thread to locate the futurists and philosophers of the Internet who are pursuing deep learning and thinking.

Below are fascinating Internet niche communities (that aren't reddit) and long-form publications I've come across:
1) Antilibraries is a community for celebrating books unread, and exploring more broadly the idea of learning from the unknown. We're all about the voracious pursuit of knowledge, creative potential, and shared discovery as a community catalyst. https://www.antilibrari.es/ 
3)The Browser aims to surprise and delight you with pieces you wouldn’t have seen otherwise. In a world consumed by bots, noise and breaking-news, the Browser gives you carefully-curated writings (and listenings) of lasting value. https://thebrowser.com/ 
4) Uncommon in Common: A "front porch for the Internet" and awesome community for people to share memories, reflections, and conversation.

5) self-directed community for pursuing higher learning - ranging from a few friends meeting over coffee weekly to start their Open Master's together, to more ambitious community projects, such as Alt*Div (learning lab) https://www.openmasters.org/who 
6) Snarkmarket is a long-running conversation about media, journalism, technology, cities, design, books, music, movies, the future, and the past. http://snarkmarket.com/ 
7) Five Books asks experts to recommend the five best books in their subject and explain their selection in an interview = archive of more than one thousand interviews, or five thousand book recommendations. https://fivebooks.com/ 
8) Hyperlink is a platform for creating and participating in community-driven online courses like: deconstructing dreams, anti-perfectionism drawing, writing a mico-textbook, and GUIs through art history.

9) The Long Now hopes to provide a counterpoint to today's accelerating culture and help make long-term thinking more common. We hope to foster responsibility in the framework of the next 10,000 years. https://blog.longnow.org/ 
10) The Stoa was once a covered portico where Stoics met to philosophize. Now it’s a digital space, where we can gather and talk about what matters most right now, at the knife's edge of what is happening now. https://www.thestoa.ca/ 
11) FoAM is a network of transdisciplinary labs at the intersection of art, science, nature and everyday life. Guided by our motto "grow your own worlds" we cultivate an ecology of practices to re-imagine possible futures. https://fo.am/ 
12) BLDGBLOG explores topics related to architecture and the built environment through a lens of technology, literature, crime, history, archaeology, acoustics, science fiction, subterranean space, warfare, the planetary sciences, and more. http://www.bldgblog.com/ 
13) @flowingdata explores how we use analysis and visualization to understand data and ourselves run by Nathan Yau who holds a PhD in statistics from UCLA. https://flowingdata.com/ 
15) Subpixel Space is a longform thinking platform maintained by @tobyshorin. It delivers ideas and models that cut across cultural categories and media formats. https://subpixel.space/ 
16) @palladiummag is a non-partisan publication that explores the future of liberalism, governance, and society, through responsible slow publishing, long-form analysis, political theory, and investigative journalism https://palladiummag.com/ 
17) exploration into the boundary between film analysis and life lessons. Movies, just like the stories of old, contain valuable lessons and insights, and to better understand them is to better understand life. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCs7nPQIEba0T3tGOWWsZpJQ
19) Everything2: A rabbit hole to read random things: a writing community, a strange wiki, an experiement in collective publishing.

20) @Dynamicland1 a new computational medium where people work together with real objects in the real world, not
alone with virtual objects on screens.

Dynamicland is a community space, where the people of Oakland will come to “live in the future”. https://dynamicland.org/#project 
21) To arrive at the edge of the world's knowledge, seek out the most complex and sophisticated minds, put them in a room together, and have them ask each other the questions they are asking themselves.

22) @stanford online encyclopedia of philosophy: with nearly 1600 entries online, the SEP was designed so that each entry is maintained and kept up-to-date by an expert or group of experts in the field.

23) @whatstheii is building a new way to be a prolific and successful intellectual in the 21st century. Attend or host salons online/offline around the world - while you learn with the help of a "virtual city of minds". @TheAnnaGat https://www.interintellect.com/ 
25) @waitbutwhy covers a range of subjects as a long-form blog. Typical posts involve long-form discussions of various topics, including artificial intelligence, outer space, and procrastination, using a combination of prose and rough illustrations. https://waitbutwhy.com/ 
27) Es­says about phi­los­o­phy, hu­man be­hav­ior, and oc­ca­sion­al­ly soft­ware by the author of "Elephant in the Brain"

28) @lesswrong - a community dedicated to improving our reasoning and decision-making. Doing that through 1) developing and training rationality, and 2) applying one’s rationality to real-world problems.

29) how could I forget @farnamstreet: community + newsletter that helps you master the best of what other people have already figured out through sharing of wisdom and mental models. @ShaneAParrish https://fs.blog/blog/ 
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