Joe Biden was my 6th choice for Dem nom. The last thing I expected was that, by the end of #DNC2020 I'd be legit pumped about his candidacy.

But I am. Each night this week has been better than the last. The voices of activism from all over have been inspiring. And so has Joe.
I loved the Zoom call with the Dem contenders tonight. What a compelling picture of genuine unity of purpose from rivals. And not enough credit has been given to Biden and Bernie's task force efforts to forge plans that are genuinely progressive and viable.
Look, I was raised in a Republican household and a long, long time ago I started out as one. In 57 yrs, I've heard nothing but non-stop anti-Dem propaganda. Of course this party has problems and yes, like the system itself, it needs further reform. But something I never hear from
the GOP is pride in how their party reflects the actual country. It no longer even tries! Instead, it openly mocks the idea of a united America by trying to divide America.

And you sure as hell don't hear the GOP actually address the pressing problems crying out for responsible
leadership – climate, healthcare, racial & economic justice, gender equity, gun violence – the list goes on. No instead, they're focused on imaginary horrors like caravans and Antifa, the terror of trans people in their bathrooms.

I am done entertaining any more "both sides"
laziness or cynicism. Time to get over your normalcy bias: there is only one responsible patriotic political party in America. Only one that actually works to embrace American values, HUMAN values. And it ain't the GOP. Put a wooden stake through the place where their heart
used to be and move on. Let one or more other parties rise up and compete in good faith with better ideas. But until then, we've got the Dems – thank God – and they are our only shot at restoring sanity, decency and responsible, responsive government.
Look, it's time to put up or shut up. Dems are not just a team for you to root for when they win or bitch about when they don't. They are only as good as we make them. Unlike the GOP, they actually want our voices. Unlike the GOP, they actually want our votes. And it's no small
thing but unlike the GOP, they run on actual plans, ideas and values instead of a slate of fraudulent talking points that amount to little more than a racket, a coordinated con designed to cheat, steal and defraud the public of our money, dignity and power.
A week of the #DNC2020 under the most trying of times has revealed that beneath the cynical packaged view of politics we get from most media, there actually exists a party of Americans, by Americans and for Americans. It's the Democrats. And tonight I'm damn proud to be one.
So enough whining from the sidelines. Memes aren't gonna get this country back on track. Convos w/ family, friends and coworkers will. Registering voters will. Getting involved will. Let's organize, VOTE and shut this sorry shitshow down and Make America America again. <end>
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