I'm still floored by the Brayden thing. My mom is a speech pathologist. She was like *coaching* him through his amazing moment.
And, so, it just wasn't lost on me that Biden was, even in his greatest moment, also showing Brayden that everything in life is possible for him.
You can have a stutter still become the guy who holds millions of people in rapt attention with your oratory.
Further: Public speaking has always come super easy for me. But because of my mom's work, I've always been attuned to those for whom it does not. And to see a guy like Biden, for whom it is hard, reach these heights tonight....
So many kids, man. SO MANY KIDS are gonna see that.
AND THEN, when you think about how Donald Trump has spent his whole life denigrating those who are different. MOCKING people with disabilities. Making jokes at their expense like the punk bully he is

To cut all of that with the humanity and decency of Biden. It's something y'all
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