when I first started writing my PbtA mech game back in like 2018, I wanted to explore the romantic bond between mech and pilot...right now though, I'm thinking about mech as surrogate parent.
Its no secret that T800 in Terminator 2 was a big influence on me. I named the mechs death move after them.
The options are almost all about trying to help your pilot endure.
About helping them one last time before you go.
Sarah said it best
The love between mech & pilot, no matter what from it takes, is love at its most powerful.
it is given an undying steel body, even when that body is broken love goes on.

Love, for me, is service. It's a shield wall. It's standing together to help each other achieve our dreams.
The mech death move is all about summoning up all your lifes power, focusing it into a single moment, and making it count for something.

And maybe that is enough to change the world...
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