Make no mistake, @JoeBiden and the Democrat party is as grave a threat to the United States as communist China; and even more so; because they are already inside the wire. They will dismantle the US economy and the middle- and working-class America, through mass migration,
massive taxes, and high regulations. They will end the use of coal, oil, and natural gas. They will impose open borders, ending American sovereignty, and the preeminence of the US Constitution. They will remove the Bill of Rights, including the 1st and 2nd Amendments, by
appointing US Supreme Court justices that will assign those rights to the government; giving control of every aspect of your life to the government. They will nationalize the major institutions and systems in society, including medical care, banks, all schools, law enforcement,
the media, housing, and transportation. They will take control of all industries by government regulation, destroying the private sector and ending capitalism. They will remove religious freedom, declare the Bible discriminatory, and make preaching the Bible illegal. Finally,
they will dismantle the US military, rendering it powerless to defend liberty; and surrender America to adversarial foreign powers. In effect, you will become a ward of the state, which will be established as God over the nation. Collectivism will rule, rather than individualism,
and your life will be of no value. The state will determine who can be born; your standard of living; and how long you can live. There is a name for this kind of societal system; it is called socialism; a diabolical system, that ultimately ends in one outcome; economic ruin, and
mass death. The impending election, is the most important in your lifetime, and American history; as it will determine whether American citizens remain free people, or whether they become enslaved by the government. Don't be deceived into thinking it cannot happen here in the
United States. You have witnessed an attempted coup to overthrow the duly elected president of the United States; and an impeachment hoax, intended to remove him from office. These abominable acts were subversive and treasonous. By the grace of God, they did not succeed. Yet, be
advised, they will stop at nothing to accomplish their diabolical aims. They are devoid of moral conscience, arrogant, liars, and idolaters; who believe they are entitled to rule over the citizens, whom they deem of no tangible worth. Recall, these are people who kill unborn
children; a monstrous act before God, the author of all life. In view of the gravity of this situation, you must do everything in your power, to ensure @realDonaldTrump is reelected on November 3rd. Accordingly, make sure you, your family, friends, and church congregants are
registered to vote. Order absentee ballots now, as needed. Every freedom-loving American must take responsibility to preserve the great nation that God has benevolently entrusted to our care. I remain confident, that He has not yet abandoned this land we call home; and that He,
in His infinite grace, will aid us in achieving our aim; to again secure the immeasurable blessings of liberty. To Him be the glory. Amen ~
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