megan wasn’t only trying to save tory from the police. she was trying to save herself from being shot by police after being shot by a Black man she considered a friend. misogynoir and state violence: two sides of the same coin.
this is *very* reminiscent of Tony McDade’s story. heartbreaking how similar they are.
i’m tweeting this because there’s a lot of “she was trying to save him” tweets going around, and i get the sentiment, but it:
1. unfairly positions Black men as the only folks harmed by police, and
2. makes her a hero when she was being vulnerable enough to protect herself.
and y’all are already saying “this makes no sense,” but she literally said she was trying to keep *them all* from getting into more trouble. that was about more than “saving tory.”
y’all: “you overthinking.” “this was about tory.”

megan: “Black people...” “Us; niggas...” “i [was] scared...”

again: this was about her as much as it was about him, if not more so. stop decentering her trauma.
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