Hey sooo who wants a long thread about the turtles design through the ages and my opinion about them?? Cause I'm gonna do it anyway. Only the tv iterations + movies tho #TMNT
Ok first Tmnt 1987: you know them, you love them. Their desing was made already with the goal of selling toys, and they succeed! Still, I feel like they're too simplictic, the only way to tell them apart is color. Really cute turtles tho
Next! The 90's live action movie: Is uncanny. Plain and simple, the 87 desing doesn't translate well to live action, they look to out of place. Although the mechanics in the suits are cool (they have movable eyelids!) Still looking like the same turtle in a different bandana :(
Now the 2003 version!! Now this is groundbreaking: for the first time they are all different colors (*gasp!*) They are ok, I like them honestly, but the "teenage" aspect is kinda missing, have u ever seen a teen with the body of a professional wrestler? Of course not, yet here +
they are. I get it they are supposed to be heroes and sell action figures and so on but... idk they look to much like adults to me and that's an issue in the franchise in general not only the 2003 version. Still memorable and really cool I wish I had something from their toyline
The 2007 movie!!! One of my favorite desings, even if they still are the same model the desing is different from the rest iterations, is not so round and muscular and I like that! They are original without breaking the status quo, super cool and expresive. Love this boys :)
Tmnt 2012: now this will be interesting. 2012 was a weird year for the turtles: they were comming back now from Nickelodeon, they were 3d and they had new desings. To begin each brother looks different, from their accesories (wraps and belts vary in style and color) to their +
to their face shape, heights, eye color and body type! Each one has a singular detail (Raph has a dent in his plastron, Donnie has a toothgap, Mikey has freckles), the style is really original too in my opinion but still mantains a marketable cuality (is that how u say it? idk) +
I just really like their desings ok? Sure sometimes they look like weird plastic frogs (mainly cause of the cgi) but I grew up with this version so they have a special place in my heart. Not gonna lie the rest of the mutants were bad, wtf was up with them
The bayverse turtles! Man they were bad. Words cannot explain how uncorfortable I feel when looking at them, they are so buff and have so many details and textures (their outfits don't make sense!). This version looks great on paper, I love the concept art, great illustrations! +
But they look SO BAAAAAAAD in the movie, and so dark too! The escenery is bright and they have this dark filter you can't appreciate any detail. Raph looks like a reptilian Hulk and Mikey is live action Shrek, Donnie is salvagable. -10000/10 do not recomend
Finally, last but not least: #RiseOfTheTMNT This guys are SO COOL okok, let's go slow I have to manny thoughts. Rise really took the turtles a whole new level, their personalities and roles are changed and with that their designs too, each is a different species and each +
represents a different geometrical shape that goes along with their personality: Raph is a square, he is big and the oldest, he is the base of this family. Donnie is a rectangle, he´s the smart one, the tech guy, he is practical, his desing is long with a lot of straight lines +
Leo is a triangle, see his head shape? all his desing is full of angles and edges I love it!! He is laid back but clever. And Mikey is a circle, he's the youngest, he's artistic and has a heart of gold. Rottmnt's really took into account each turtle species and personality. +
I would explain more but english is not my first lenguage and this is getting long. This desings are my favorites they make me so happy. Please #saverottmnt so I can see this amazing boys again 100000000/10. +
Yeah so that's it what did we learn today kids? Apparently I don't like buff turtles. Ok bye
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