I have another bizarre theory or feeling about this generation. That from each family kuzokhethwa one or a couple of people to be a healer, messenger or gift. Hear me out...
Being chosen does not strictly mean being a sangoma, prophet, pastor etc . You could be chosen to help ekhaya or even the world, in an unconventional way.
All the families who ran away from amasiko, your ancestors are about to speak through your children. I hope you’ll support them & not consider them “bipolar” or evil.
There’s work to be done within your clans and for other people. Many of you are going to dream, many of you are going to heal ninganakanga, many of you are you going to see a different world and I hope real healers will be placed in your path to help you see everything through.
When you find out about this part of your life, don’t dig too much and be frustrated in making it make sense. I’ve seen so many people go to the wrong places all in the name of “getting it over and done with”. Love, uzolimala. Stay put.
Your guides will tell you what to do, how to do it, when to do it and they’ll do al of this WHEN they want to. Not in YOUR time. You can ask them a question today and there will be silence for the longest time. Relax - stay put. 💫
So, when someone in your family starts having episodes of intuitive nature - be of support. Many people don’t have to heal people - wait time be told the “WHAT” and take it from there.
The time for our traditions and cultures to be taboo and disgusting are over. Sibadala manje. Open your mind and know better.
PS - keep a dream journal. Don’t share your deepest messages on social media - keep record and move with the pace of God. He’s on to something and he’s in a selection phase.

The universe is moving. ❤️
Lastly, you will be ridiculed - even by healers. Respect them & stay silent.

I’ve seen it happen to me every month. What I know is that these are gifts from my clan & this is their walk. EVERYONE WILL BE DIFFERENT. As long as your family understands it, no one else matters.
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