Like everyone, I see videos of police officers with bad judgement and decisions and actions. There is usually more to every story than the clips show but there is just as often a common thread that I want to touch on briefly. Context does matter. But so does a lot of stuff...
Call for talking too loudly on a porch. Cops get these calls all the time. Here is where I stress & stress: WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE CALL?? First, automatic & instantaneous compliance better not be your goal. So what is? This is key. You’re there cuz someone called, but...
First, is there a crime? We ride lots of calls WHERE THERE IS NO CRIME. So holy god let’s not escalate it with our cop actions & insistence of compliance as the goal. Which it ain’t. So what is? Loud talking during the day? Ain’t a crime in most places. So start there...
You have to ride the call cuz they call the police but you don’t have to treat your neighbors like criminals cuz someone called the police. Time is our friend but so is judgement, & understanding people don’t have to do what you tell them if you have no legal reason to tell them
So maybe don’t tell someone to be quiet in their own home. Cuz first place that’s not a lawful order 99.99% of the time and again WHAT IS THE GOAL OF THE CALL. On most non crime calls, which are most calls, the goal should be ‘keep it non crime, and make connections.’...
Otherwise you’re trying to be a city-wide hall monitor or crossing guard for adults. That’s not protecting or serving your neighbors. So don’t be a city-wise hall monitor or crossing guard. Start there. Know your goal. And work towards that goal. Compliance isn’t the goal.
There are serious criminals around. Focus on them and help everyone else. Do the exact opposite of stop and frisk. Do stop and help. For us police, understanding that our neighbors are awesome & are the point of our job should be how we do our job. Or we should find a new job.
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