Going back to my roots today - listening to the Pick Of Destiny soundtrack
This is legit Meatloaf’s best ever work
The Dio casting is molto bene
Also elite casting: the kid that plays young Jack Black
The bit where the teens ask Kyle to play a song at the party and he sings the backup bits to History is SO funny
The Government Totally Sucks is an anthem ahead of its time IMO
“Yeah, it was awesome! Compared to BULLSHIT!"
Probs could have done without this tbh
John C Reilly as the Sasquatch also elite areas
As far as songs about dudes missing dudes go, Dude (I Totally Miss You) is probably the high watermark tbh
I listened to the soundtrack many times before seeing the movie so highly on screen descriptive songs like Break In City (Storm The Gate) were very confusing
“Two air vents
On the roof
That’s what the guy was talkin’ a-SHIT!"
Also I always read the term “cat-like reflexes” in the cadence JB says it in this song
I don’t think it’s controversial to say that Beelzeboss is the single greatest metal song ever written
I’ve used the term “bring the thunder” as a personal pump up regularly since this came out
The Metal gives Beelzeboss a nudge tbf
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