And here (and this is sort of fascinating) are the original complaints filed with authorities in Florida about the scheme that helped kick off there investigation there last year and may have been what got the DOJ investigation going.
Pretty extraordinary array of MAJOR conservative players have been pulled into this, at least in a way that they endorsed the folks who were arrested today. Here are a few of those.
Trump also helped the fund raising campaign, with the proceeds going in part to enrich Bannon/Kolfage and others.
Don Trump Jr. has also been supportive of Kolfage, after his Facebook page was taken down and Kolfage then started a new fund raising group that ultimately morphed into the Build the Wall Effort.
And as I mentioned in an earlier tweet, the list of members of the board of directors of this non profit (now the focus of criminal charges) is a who's who of conservative anti-immigration/border control activists/allies of Trump. Here are some of them.
And of course, a Mar-a-Lago connection too. There to raise money for the cause, with Eric Trump, among others.
Benghazi? Solyndra? Operation Fast and Furious? Each of them seem pretty tame compared to this.
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