one thing I am looking forward to with the election is that no matter what it will break a lot of people

or rather reveal that they are broken, that their lives have been wasted

as the old adage goes, the tide will go out and many will be found to have been swimming naked
people who have been rabidly antitrump will do better if he is reelected

They would be able to continue beating their drums. Though I think they would pretend to despair, and no longer be able to agitate for likely removal. That ship would have sailed
if Biden wins the #resistance will be shattered

the core of their very being, what they have shrivelled to in the past four years, will become as air and they will wake as from a dream and realize their lives are empty

I would not envy them this hangover
trump advocates--i know fewer

if he wins they too will know despair

they will have to keep on with themselves for four more years

I suspect this would be hardest on Trump. A loss would crush him but perhaps be a relief in the long term
a trump loss would be better for trump advocates

they could plausibly continue in anger about conspiracies real and imagined, and would have a new target for their wrath

their narrative could continue relatively without change: all that most people want in life
what im trying to say is

its hard to make narrative mortgage when your sole tenant moves out
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