#WalkAway: "I was a hard loving Obama Democrat/liberal until 5 years ago. My big sis became a Conservative before I did. Medicare for all huh? My sweet sister has skin Lupus. Medicare constantly tells her what medication she can & can't have. They question every doctor visit! 1/x
She started asking me the tough questions, that I really could not answer. People tend to just say things but they have no idea what they are saying, what it all means. I lost my nephew because of Obamacare. It was THE ANSWER FOR EVERYONE. Well, after 30 days he was denied 2/x
care (my sister was paying $700 a month). We lost him due to depression/anxiety in 2015. I have my own pet sitting business in Georgia, going on 23 years. Obama told me "you didn't build that". The hell I didn't! I began listening more to the words and compared that with 3/x
actions, or lack thereof. When Hillary ran against Obama, Michelle said "she can't run her own house, how can she run the White House?". Then, Hillary runs for President, Michelle says "Hillary is the best person to be President ". I mean really. So did she mean what she said 4/x
or she said what she needed to? Nothing ever changed. The poor are still poor and there is never a welfare to work program. Its not ok to break the backs of hard working people to take care of those that refuse to work. Helping the elderly, disabled & the sick, yes. If you 5/x
are an able bodied person, no excuse. My sisters cousin (we have different dads) was on welfare her ENTIRE LIFE! Nice car, nice apartments and had a drug problem. I have a 34 year old cousin, two kids different dads, on welfare and works ONE DAY A WEEK. She cleans up in 6/x
assistance. Democrats want people to stay down. Chicago should have changed. It was Obama's home. When BLM began, he invited them to the WH. Well if you're trying to heal everyone, you invite, a police chief, a few BLM, some mothers that lost their sons & have a roundtable. 7/x
You don't choose a side. Nothing changed with Sandy Hook. Who freed Alice Johnson and other black people from prison? Trump! Obama denied Ms. Johnson 7 times! Who is trying to combat human trafficking? Trump and Ivanka. Finally, you don't penalize the wealthy for being 8/x
successful. You don't take what they've worked for to give to others. They are the party of enabling. Great speeches that are just that. Republicans are racist because they want people to work and have pride in what they do and not live off the government? 9/x
Stop. I bought that racist crap. Not anymore..listen more and talk less. Its amazing what you can learn.💜" - Kim 🇺🇸 10/10
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