So I think it’s time I gave my two cents about false claims. To all the #FakeNews 4am talking point “journalists” who say that #QANON is a “Baseless Conspiracy Theory”. @CNN @RollingStone @thedailybeast @MediaMattersZA @Newsweek @nytimes @washingtonpost (I’m talking to you)...
... it’s time to hit y’all with some facts. First however, we must examine the word Baseless. Baseless is defined as without foundation in fact. So by definition facts are needed or anything is baseless. So I need to share some facts as they regard to our theories. Ready? First..
... we claim that pedophilia is rampant and very widespread among the elite. We also claim it’s a “known secret” throughout Hollywood, DC etc. So let’s delve in shall we? In the last two years we have seen unprecedented arrests and the public has become aware of the following...
... scandals. Harvey Weinstein arrested for sexual assault. While as of this writing his accusers, to my knowledge, have not been underage. But I wouldn’t be shocked if some came forward. Kevin Spacey, Bryan Singer have both been accused of raping young boys. Spacey’s witnesses..
... however, conveniently seem to die right before they’re set to testify. Think I’m lying? Please look it up. How about Guardians of the Galaxy director @JamesGunn he has REPEATEDLY made it well known he is a pedophile. He even brags about his best friends and fellow sickos...
... he’s met at NAMBLA (That’s the North American Man Boy Love Association, no I’m not kidding. That’s a real fucking thing) Think I’m lying? Please look it up. How about chubby actor @pattonoswalt He’s another one. He used to talk about his pedophilia related thoughts on...
... Twitter years ago. He’s since deleted these Tweets but, don’t worry. Just ask for them. We still have them. 😁 How about NXIVM? That’s the sex cult with ties globally to many people and many places. Allison Mack the former Smallville Star was heavily involved in helping....
... Keith Raniere procure his underage victims. Think I’m lying? Look it up. Jeffrey Epstein remember him? He’s the billionaire who had his own sex island where he flew his VIP guests. Who were some of his guests you ask? Stephen Hawking, Alan Dershowitz, John Roberts, and...
... don’t forget former President and often accused rapist @BillClinton to name but a few. So if Epstein is a convicted sex offender, who prior to his death was back under arrest for International sex trafficking and his ties to a former President of the United States are well...
... known. How is this baseless? Oh that’s right. This was one of those stories nobody really wanted to cover. I forgot we’ve been in all out Anti-Trump mode for four years. Next up on our “baseless” list of conspiracy’s is Spygate. Most of us in the movement have been covering..
... this story since it’s inception. Basically our theory is this. Former President @BarackObama and his weaponized @TheJusticeDept actively spied on the Trump campaign and then continued to try and bring down a duly elected President in @realDonaldTrump Now, admittedly this...
... one took us a while. But... low and behold just this past Monday former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith plead guilty to falsifying information on a FISA warrant. In doing so, he, along with many others, basically allowed the entire Russia Hoax to proceed unhindered for THREE...
... long years. After which, the Mueller Report concluded exactly what we QAnon “conspiracy theorists” had been saying all along. There was no collusion. Still think we’re baseless? Don’t take my word for it. Please go back and look through my posts over the last two years. If...
... I’m lying you’ll certainly find it. And for the hell of it let’s get into one more “conspiracy theory”. It’s believed in the movement that not only are the elite pedophiles but they also actively kidnap and kill millions of kids a year. Baseless? Almost sounds too far...
... fetched to be true, right? Well take a look at Hillary Clinton friend Laura Silsby. She was busted trying to sneak kids out of Haiti after an earthquake. Of course it was all swept under the rug and the Clinton’s helped get her off some very serious charges but you see my...
... point. How many kidnappers do you know? How many did you help get out of kidnapping charges and then give them a job in your Foundation? Personally I don’t know any. But then again I also don’t know 50 plus people who died under mysterious circumstances either. That’s a...
... Clinton trait too. Don’t believe me? Look it up. My point is this #FAKENEWS instead of relying on your predetermined 4am talking points, maybe try doing your job. All of you are just as culpable of these sick crimes as are those directly involved. Your one and only...
... allegiance as a journalist should be to We The People. Sadly, it’s anything but. My guess is most of you have gotten VERY rich doing the bidding of your masters. And for that, you, like the others will eventually face justice. So just do me one favor? Stop calling us a...
... baseless conspiracy theory. Because we are anything but. You know it. We know it. And slowly but surely, the public is learning it too. The power this movement yields now dwarfs the perceived power of the MSM. And that’s something we are very proud of. We have worked hard...
... to bring people the truth even with the constant backlash of people in the media. You have called us everything from “nuts” to “whackadoodles” instead of using an accurate description. Truthers. We report the facts and give people the truth, regardless of how difficult it...
... might be to hear. We live in a world formerly run by Monsters. These monsters infiltrated every aspect of our lives. Our sports. Our politics. Our movies and TV. But now? No more. The veil has been lifted. The Emperor has no clothes. Your time is over. It’s our time now...
... We are the news now. And there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it. So enjoy your remaining free time as media darlings amongst the ever dwindling number of sheep. People are waking up by the thousands every day. And it’s all thanks to a movement who’s motto is “Where...
... We Go One, We Go All” That motto means more to us real Patriots than you’ll ever know. Nobody gets a free pass. Nobody. Not the elites. Not their minions. And no, not even the complacent media who will try to hide behind the guise of “just doing what we...
... were told. And whether Obama made it legal or not, lying to the public daily about the news is wrong. And I’m sure most of you knew it. And yet, not one of you has come forward to call out the #FakeNews for what it is. If it were me, and my ass was on the line? I’d turncoat..
...pretty damn quick to try and at least salvage my dignity. But I’m sure you’re all in this till the end. I’m sure you all sit up late at night praying to Molech, or whatever weird ass anti God you believe in, that Trump loses in November. Good luck with that. #MAGA #KAG
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