Did you participate in sports growing up? ⚾️🏈🏀

Sports helped instill some invaluable lessons.

Here are a few.

I would love to hear which resonate with you and why, or if you would add any.

🔥🔥🔥Thursday Thread Time 🔥🔥🔥

- Being part of a team requires a commitment of your time, attention, energy, and mental capacity.

- Through this commitment, you learn hard work and strong work ethic pays off and when you dedicate yourself to something you improve as an individual
- You do not have to be the most talented, if you work harder than most you will be given your opportunity to shine

Motivation is what gets you started. Commitment is what keeps you going – Jim Rohn

-Participation in sports taught me that there is no ‘I’ in team and you should seek to put others above yourself.
- Being loyal to a team, a coach, a school, a town, creates accountability. You have given your word to others and a man’s word is all that he has.

You can easily judge the character of a man by how he treats those who can do nothing for him - Malcolm S. Forbes

- Sports and comradery go hand in hand. Many of my lifelong friendships were made through athletics.

- There is something to be said with spending more than 2-5 hours a day with a group of people; 5-6 days a week and battling together on the field or court.
- These relationships extend well past the point of your playing days and it helps you identify and value what qualities you want in someone within your inner circle.

“A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” ― Elbert Hubbard.

- With athletics, you face a tremendous amount of adversity. You don’t win every game and some of those losses are worse than others.
- This adversity allows you to realize to be optimistic. You may lose the battle but can still win the war.
And for every major loss, you can remember, there is also a time where you can recall the team pulling together to come out victorious when the probability seemed unlikely.
- Negativity hurts you; be an Optimist and even if you may lose, you never give up.

Adversity introduces a man to himself – Albert Einstein

- How to be a good winner; how to handle defeat.
- Once you lose, can you walk over and look that other person in the eye, shake hands, and congratulate them?
- Great things come from celebrating victories of others.

Scores get forgotten; your actions don’t.
-How to take direction from others
-give direction
-get the most out of your team
-instill confidence in others
-take criticism
-Learn how to get completely reamed out

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus. - MLK Jr.

- How to carry yourself in life and once you get into the real world
- Confidence in the workplace
- Maintaining eye contact
- Standing straight up and tall
- Confidence from being in shape, strong and being a winner
Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy. - Norman Vincent Peale

- Pride for your school and the town/city in which you played
- Not only where you are playing for yourself and your teammates, but you had a lot of the town at the games rooting for the team to do well.
- The support system instills a sense of pride; you want to perform well to make others proud of the product on the field.

“We are rarely proud when we are alone.” ― Voltaire
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