I spend nearly all my waking hours working to defeat Trump and am literally PRAYING every morning for @JoeBiden to win.

On the last day of the #DNC, there's still a gap between where we are and where we need to be to #WinRural.

Let's close that gap: https://peoplesaction.org/ruralagenda/ 
Commodity farmers (corn, soybeans, dairy) sell their products on global markets for a fraction of what they cost to produce.

The crisis is PRICES. More trade isn't the solution.

We lost 9% of US dairy farmers last year while dairy exports skyrocketed. https://twitter.com/OatesBryce/status/1296156757698330624
We need to improve the margins in rural areas to win statewide in WI, PA, MI, IA, MN, NC, where ag is the dominant economic driver.

And despite the harm that Trump has caused, @JoeBiden's plans do not (yet!) offer a compelling alternative to #WinRural. https://money.yahoo.com/video/2020-election-could-affect-americas-214500010.html
There's still time for @JoeBiden to #WinRural by adopting a real plan to address the crises in rural America that have been decades in the making and only made worse by Trump's trade wars and #COVID19.

We need:

Reimagination https://peoplesaction.org/ruralagenda/ 
First of all, who's we? To start, the members of @PplsAction's rural cohort who are the largest community organizing groups, particularly in swing states, who are doing the work to run massive political programs to reach out conflicted voters. They're doing the work to #WinRural.
AND some of the most important farm groups like @wifarmersunion, MI Farmers Union @FarmActionUS, & @LSPnow, @NewGAProject organizing folks in the rural Black belt, environmental groups like @sunrisemvmt, @IENearth, plus @IndivisibleTeam and @WorkingFamilies & MORE!
We're the people living in rural communities and we know what we need:

Relief: direct aid to survive #COVID19
Recovery: a massive federal jobs program to get out of the economic crisis
Reimagination: Break up corporate ag and supply management

So if this agenda ( http://peoplesaction.org/ruralagenda ) is how @JoeBiden can #WinRural, why isn't it in the #DNC platform?

Well, with allies at @foe_us, we tried to send these recommendations in, but they got caught in Tom Vilsack's junk folder.

Tom Vilsack, who is running the show for @JoeBiden and the #DNC on rural and ag policy left the Obama White House to make millions lobbying for corporate mega-dairies.

I don't think he should be calling the shots on how to win rural Wisconsin. https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2017/01/obamas-usda-chief-mulls-move-big-dairy/
The http://PeoplesAction.org/ruralagenda  is the OVERWHELMING CONSENSUS OF ACTUAL RURAL PEOPLE.

Farmers, environmentalists, Black, Latinx, and Indigenous, and community groups have all known what we need to #WinRural.

But a couple politicians turned lobbyists are standing in the way.
I want to emphasize that adopting these recommendations is NOT a concession to the left (although it would make @sunrisemvmt happy).

Rural Trump voters have been SEVERELY damaged by Trump and many are looking for @JoeBiden to offer REAL solutions. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/08/2020-democrats-wisconsin-trump-dairy-farmers.html
. @joebiden can win WAY more votes by adopting the http://PeoplesAction.org/RuralAgenda  (anti-trust, fair prices) instead of trying to coast on the bare bones plan he has out now (that benefits the biggest corporate factory farms by default).

See @OatesBryce analysis:

The http://PeoplesAction.org/RuralAgenda  isn't just the right policy. It's also good politics for @joebiden.

@RuralOrganizing has done the most robust polling of rural voters this cycle and they've found that anti-corporate populist messaging can #WinRural.

The MOST popular messages among rural voters are anti-corporate messages, according to @RuralOrganizing's polling, with 80% approval.

The problem is that rural voters don't know whether those popular messages are associated with Trump or @joebiden.

During a historic failure of governance by Republicans that has resulted in mass death, sickness, and unemployment, we need to draw clear distinctions.

@JoeBiden has to OWN the anti-corporate, populist message and policies in http://PeoplesAction.org/ruralagenda  to #WinRural.
We can't sleepwalk our way into repeating the same mistakes as 2016. Just pointing out how bad Trump is IS NOT ENOUGH.

@PplsAction is running an unprecedented rural persuasion program to #WinRural. If @JoeBiden supported the http://PeoplesAction.org/ruralagenda  we'd be 2x as effective.
We need to #WinRural to win in 2020 and defeat fascism.

On the last night of the #DNCC, @JoeBiden isn't there yet.

But he can still get there by adopting this agenda, supported by rural people, polling, and an unprecedented political program: http://PeoplesAction.org/RuralAgenda 
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