Barack Obama’s speech




“They're hoping to…convince you that your vote doesn't matter.”
“The one Constitutional office elected by all of the people is the presidency...of all 330 million of us -- regardless of what we look like, how we worship, who we love, how much money we have -- or who we voted for.”
“I have sat in the Oval Office with both of the men who are running for president. I never expected that my successor would embrace my vision…”
“For close to four years now, he's shown no interest in putting in the work; no interest in finding common ground”
“…no interest in using the awesome power of his office to help anyone but himself and his friends”
“…no interest in treating the presidency as anything but one more reality show that he can use to get the attention he craves.”
“…Millions of jobs gone while those at the top take in more than ever.”
“Our worst impulses unleashed”
“…our proud reputation around the world badly diminished”
“…our democratic institutions threatened like never before.”
“Joe's a man who learned -- early on -- to treat every person he meets with respect and dignity…

“That empathy, that decency, the belief that everybody counts -- that's who Joe is.”
“For eight years, Joe was the last one in the room whenever I faced a big decision.”
“They'll get this pandemic under control, like Joe did when he helped me manage H1N1”
“They'll expand health care to more Americans, like Joe and I did ten years ago”
“They'll rescue the economy, like Joe helped me do after the Great Recession.”

[Dec. 20, 2011]
“Joe knows the world, and the world knows him.”
“They believe that no one -- including the president -- is above the law, and that no public official -- including the president -- should use their office to enrich themselves or their supporters.”
“They understand that political opponents aren't ‘un-American’ just because they disagree with you”
“…that a free press isn't the ‘enemy’ but the way we hold officials accountable”
“Democracy was never meant to be transactional -- you give me your vote; I make everything better.”
“I understand why a new immigrant might look around this country and wonder whether there's still a place for him here”
“…why a young person might look at politics right now, the circus of it all, the meanness and the lies and crazy conspiracy theories and think, what's the point?”
“That's how they win. That's how they get to keep making decisions that affect your life, and the lives of the people you love. That’s how the economy will keep getting skewed to the wealthy and well-connected”
“We are going to bring those words, in our founding documents, to life

“I've seen that same spirit rising these past few years. Folks of every age, background who packed city centers and airports and rural roads”

Yes, with President @realDonaldTrump!
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