Inventors with limited funds, put your foot in the door at the US Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) by filing your own provisional applications for $280/$140/$70 depending on your status as a large/small/micro entity. Template, directions, and warnings in replies.
Basic provisional application template (with catch-all omnibus claims--the minimum recommended--don't ask, long story):

Include figures, tables, etc. Pretend you're describing your discoveries and their advantages to a topical college class.
After receiving your filing receipt, place a reminder in your calendar 9-mo out to talk to a patent attorney about filing a US Utility or International (PCT) application claiming priority to your provisional.

If you do nothing after 1 year, the provisional application expires.
If you file before public use/disclosure of your invention, you can pursue US and international protection.

If you've already disclosed publicly, you've likely forgone international protection, but the US allows a 1-year grace period after disclosure to file a US application.
Provisional applications give inventors an additional year to decide whether to undergo the full cost of applying for a US Utility patent, protect the idea in discussions with investors/partners, and allow an additional year of protection (21 vs 20) over a first Utility filing.
Small entity status defined here (individual, small business <500 employees, non-profits):

Micro entity here (<4 previous apps, income limits):

If not small/micro entity, assume large.
The main advantages of using patent attorneys to draft your applications:

Patent attorneys understand claims, docket well, know what NOT to say, and know what to include to counter the likely-coming rejection by the relevant patent offices.
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