Day 93 of #100DaysofDH: Contemplating what readers of a digital scholarly edition need, and have come across a few different points of view in recent days.
Krista Rasmussen in identifies three reader roles (reader, user, co-worker), from which I infer that different interfaces may be appropriate for different roles.
@Huber_Digital advocates generating user stories, and doing audience testing, as is best practice for commercial web development
DocuSky advocates separation of digital content and digital tools, i.e. don't build annotation tools into a digital edition, but let scholars work with the text in their preferred environment
"Fluid Matters" (ed. Natalie Köhle AND Shigehisa Kuriyama) demonstrates how a digital text doesn't need to conform to the restrictions of print. The chapters in this digital book are reminiscent of the parallax scrolling websites popular in recent years
The statement "background images and animations envelop words in an atmosphere of affect, shaping our reading experience in a way not unlike how music shapes our response to scenes in a film" got me thinking why do we present academic work in print, & how would other genres look
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