If you don’t believe that decentralized ridesharing, food delivery etc is coming and will be just as disruptive to uber as uber was to taxis, read this thread:
1/ It’s easy to see all the engineers and complexity that Uber has and imagine it would be insanely hard to compete. But the core is simple, and in locales where Uber doesn’t exist, the replacement is basically a chat group or message board which works shockingly well!
2/ When I was in Taiwan last year, my friends often just used a big Line chatgroup to hail rides from a pool of drivers. Worked great, speeds slower but comparable to uber, more flexible. Drivers loosely vetted by friends of friends, no one had heard of any scary incidents.
4/ I bring up these examples just to show that even with 0 code a decentralized group of drivers and riders can approximate the Uber experience surprisingly well.
5/ As crypto tps scales, top tier teams will launch actual products around this kind of stuff, and the contest may come down to whether @uber achieves a proprietary self-driving fleet before the self-organizing human mob decides Uber is superfluous.
6/ Another fun thing to think about is the social dynamics around a real community vs a bullshit corporate-owned “community™” eg I’d love to very occasionally deliver food on my bike. An ownerless network would have a super fun community around it with real solidarity.
7/ at the moment startups and the highly tech-leveraging megacorps they morph into are the apex predators of our economy, but the rise of decentralized networks will make their inefficiencies painfully obvious 😈
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