What to play after Animal Crossing
Starting with Switch Games! Breath of the Wild is probably my favorite. A great intro to Open World games that's both a culmination of the best parts of the genre and something entirely new.
Also great, Mario Odyssey - colorful, cheerful and accessible even for those of us that struggle with platforming (me)
And for Nindies (that's indie games on Nintendo platforms) - Untitled Goose Game is one of my favorites from last year. Total chaos. (Though it's much shorter than the others listed here.)
Moonlighter is a fun dungeon crawler/shop management sim hybrid that's easy to pick up and gas a very cute art style.
Binding of Isaac is not definitely not for everyone. It's weird, gross and HARD. If you want to get into tough rogue-likes and like a little toliet humor the people who like this one really like it.
Moving on to other simulation (sim) games: Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town just came out on the switch. It's got the same cute, relaxed vibe as Animal Crossing and is a little more chill than Stardew Valley.
Speaking of Stardew Valley, it is on the switch, but I'd suggest playing on a PC or Mac to take advantage of all those mods!
The Sims 4 is another big rec. The base game is fun, but the dlc and mods are what really make this installment (just don't pay full price, these go on sale all the time)
Tycoon and Management games are weirdly relaxing to me - kind of like those wire things that massage your head if that makes sense. Two Point Hospital is fun, irreverent and easy to pick up.
Cities Skylines was the new hotness a few years ago (kind of a play on Sim City) there are plenty of updates, dlc and mods to let you focus in on the elements you prefer, but the base game definitely holds up!
If you want to really nerd out - Civilization VI is excellent and available on multiple platforms (though I probably should have put this in the sim section)
Controversial add to the sim section if you humor me - Red Dead Redemption 2 is one of the best games I've played in a long time. It is technically an open world game, but there are so many systems to keep track of I think of it as a (very violent) sim
(I mean, I can't think of a single game where I spent more time buying clothes for my character)
Ok so let's say you're interested in some of the "greatest hits" games. If you have access to a PC, PS4 or Xbox one a lot of these are available AND affordable.
I know some people from Romancelandia follow me, so let's look at games where you fuck.
Starting with everyone's favorite space perv - Mass Effect 2 is often on the GOAT lists and for good reason. Some of the tropes may be a little dated now, but it still has great characters and an epic story. (IMO you dont have to play 1 to enjoy it)
The Witcher 3 is another popular fave. Garalt is not as horny as Commander Shepherd, but he still finds plenty of time for baths. (Plus the side missions in this game are some of the best in the open world genre)
And of course, there are the Dragon Age games - with a fan base so horny that I suggest googling with caution. A
Also - I suggest looking up Biowear Boyfriends
Okay, but what if you aren't a late-bloomer stuck at an all-girls school with limited outlets to explore your budding sexuality? (hello again) What if you're ready to dive into gaming head-first and really get into the nerd shit?

Yes, it's a game where you fight dragons by shouting them. Yes, the animation looks like linguine flapping in the wind. Yes, there are like, 3 voice actors. Yes, it's been meme'd to death. It's still great.
Also great - the Fallout series. There's a LOT of debate on which is the best installment, but I'm gonna go with New Vegas just for the sheer, sci-fi audacity. (Also, you will sound v. v. cool if you say your favorite Fallout game is New Vegas)
Okay switching gears to games with great gameplay.

Portal still has to be my #1. It still has some of the most innovative puzzle mechanics ever, it's hilarious and it spawned the grandma of all gaming memes.
Portal also has an excellent sequel
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