Why you should REALLY choose nursing, not just because you didn’t make the grades for your original chosen degree option (a thread 🧵...) https://twitter.com/nhsengland/status/1293848799614513152
These are just some of the reasons why you should choose nursing if you haven’t considered it before...
The options and opportunities are endless! There are so many specialties and roles to choose from, and you can change specialties with relative ease throughout your career if you so choose, which is not the case for many other healthcare professions
You get to be there for your patients in a completely unique way. You will be by their side throughout their patient journey, and really get to know them and their families/friends/caregivers
You can develop your clinical knowledge as well as your practical, clinical skills. There are always options and courses for continuing your professional development, including MSc and PhD opportunities if you work hard and make it happen
Prefer not to work shift work? There are lots of roles available, which do not involve long shifts/nights/weekends/on-calls
Concerns about the salary? NHS nurses are on the same pay scale (Agenda for Change) as all other NHS staff, except doctors, dentists and very senior managers. If you have the experience, you can work extra shifts (‘bank’ or agency) to earn more
If you live and work in London, you will receive a ‘London weighting’ in addition to your standard NHS salary
You get to work as part of a multidisciplinary team and learn from your colleagues. No two days will be the same.
It is so important that we campaign to encourage people to go into nursing, but these current @NHSEngland campaigns which imply nursing is in some way “second-best” are so incredibly damaging to the public’s perception of nursing.
Why can’t we have campaigns to portray REAL nursing and REAL nurses? Speak to actual nurses, and your campaigns will write themselves!
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