Argentina's Remote Work Law, in ten points (a thread):

1 - EQUALITY: people doing remote work (RW) have the same rights as people working presentially.

2 - VOLUNTARITY: switching to RW must be voluntary, bilateral, and put down in writing.
3 - REVERSIBILITY: the RWer can, at any point, choose unilaterally to return to in-person work.

4 - REMUNERATION: RW salary must be equal or higher than the salary for the same work done in person.
5 - DISCONNECTION: the employer may not request tasks to be completed or contact the RWer outside of the worker's contractually obliged working hours.
6 - CARE WORK: RWers responsible for children, disabled people or elderly people have the right to working hours compatible with their domestic labor, including the right to interrupt their shift for this reason.
7 - WORK SUPPLIES: the employer must provide the necessary equipment and support for doing the work, either by providing a computer and software licenses OR paying the worker for the purchase of one.
8 - COMPENSATION FOR EXPENSES: the employer must compensate the worker for additional expenses incurred (Internet bill, power bill, any services that must be employed, etc) due to remote work.
9 - OTHER RIGHTS: RWers have the same right as in-person workers to classes, workshops, seminars and union rights. Also, the privacy of workers is protected by forbidding employers from using surveillance or tracking software.
10 - DATE: this law comes into effect 90 days after being ratified by the Senate
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