What strikes me about the racist rhetoric about Chicago or “black-on-black” crime is that so many white people seem incapable of distinguishing between Black people and the criminals who prey on them.
It’s bad enough that you’re poor and live in a high-crime area. You are deemed responsible for the crime rate. That’s what it means when white pundits talk about Black people “killing each other."
White people are able to separate themselves from criminals fairly well. If there’s a rash of crime near their communities, they never describe this as “we’re killing each other.” No, they clearly distinguish themselves as humans under assault from “those people."
Note the rhetoric from conservatives/moderates about any violence related to protests. It’s not “we’re killing each other.” It’s an invasion.
Criminals (esp. if they’re POC) threatening white people is considered an “American” issue. LAW & ORDER.

Criminals who happen to be Black threatening Black people whose only crime is poverty is considered a Black community issue.
A white couple mugged in New York is not considered an issue with poor parenting among white people. The focus is on the criminals.
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