So this whole Cuties thing?

Looking at comments from people who saw the original, it really is clear that Netflix dropped the ball on this and HARD. People who have seen the film have made it loud and clear that the Netflix ads work the opposite or what-
-the film is about which is the dangers of sexualizing children. The Netflix ad creates the notion that the movie is all totes empowering and gurl power and doesn't hint at the troubling elements that the story actually has and uses the 'perfect' words in order to sell it.
And this is both in the original and fixed summary. I noticed in the updated summary how they used 'conservative' and I know that's not in the American sense in how they used it (the political party) but you can read between the lines and see what they did.
They're still trying to reach 'an audience' but they would have already had one had they been truthful about the movie from the get go. I have my theories on how this mess happened.
1) The trailer house didn't see the movie. They read a small summary online and guessed that it was about 'girl rebels against parents' and even better, she's an African girl! That'll get people to notice! So they picked their favorite 'parts' and glued it together into this.
But you'd still need to watch the film to know what to pick soooo

2) The trailer house/Netflix know they have to see the movie to they cut it and worded the summary to catch the attention of people who legit think this kind of shit is liberating. You know who I'm talking about.
The armchair activists who watch films based on how 'good' it makes them look as a person and will drop money for anything that calls itself 'rebellious' and has a 'black and brown' person in it. Basically, shitty activist Karens.
And the person who made the film apparently noped out of Twitter and Netflix gave a passive aggressive apology.

A film addressing the sick nature of people who exploit children isn't the problem. The problem is people who exploit other people by-
-shoving their own agenda into a film and story that isn't theirs and then trying to look 'so stunning and brave'. As noted before, people who have seen the film have said that Netflix 10000% fucked up and got everything wrong.
What we just witnessed is a company doing the whole 'I fixed it and made it better!' in real time.
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