Dear #YangGang, I'd like to share a story. In 2008 I very much ignored the financial crises. I was in my second year of college, enjoying student life and if I worried about anything it was grades. I worked various jobs part-time from time to time but hardly struggled to make
enough beer money to keep me happy. I first noticed the economy might be something to worry about when applying for an internship to write my thesis for. You see when I started my studies in '07 there were dozens of companies offering internships that would transition over into
jobs. Real jobs with real wages and career paths. By the time I graduated the job market was very different to say the least. I suggest you Google 'millenials lost earnings recession'. Basically on average 'we' lost about 13% income over 10 years. TEN YEARS!
I know what it's like you to watch the gas pump to be careful not to fill up too much because you might not have the money to pay for it. I've calculated which brand of peanut butter had the best money/calorie/protein ratio and it by the spoonful because real food was too pricey
I could have made different, even better choices and avoided all that, I'm not blaming anyone and I'm not bitter about it. I turned things around and through hard work and grit I turned things around. I'm doing good now and I can give my daughter the kind of life I want for her.
Then there's covid. It's looking like covid might do a real number on all of us and I gotta say I'm starting to feel a little cheated. I mean the TWO greatest economic disasters of recent history come on that's just raw. But hey, we'll make it work. The working from home with no
Room for a home office and record high temperatures for weeks on end with no AC but hey, we'll make it work. But here's where I draw the line, a second term. It's not like Trump has been a great leader of the free world until now but covid has shown us all just how dangerous it
is to have an idiot in the WH. And I get it if you voted for him, I really do. The American middle class has been getting shafted for decades so given the opportunity y'all decide to pull the pin and toss that fat orange human hand-grenade into Washington, chips fall where they
May. I get it. But not this time, not again. You see that hand-grenade didn't just blow up your own house. America is too big for that. What happens there doesn't stay there. We've now got covid deniers here in the NL copying Trump's rethoric verbatim, acting all maga-ty like we
Are the 51st state. So no, no more idiots in the WH. You've had your fun, with the orange man and your third party unity dark horse whatever bullshit. Now it's time stop fucking around and act like adults again. Suck it up, clean your shit up, and vote Blue. Period.
Because it's not just your house that's on fire, or your neighbours', we're all caught in the smoke, choking, hoping you people closest to the fire hydrant will turn on the water for all our sake's. And if you don't? Well then yeah, you're an idiot and you deserve what comes next
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