As a retired USPS I’ve been trying to educate idiots as to the workings inside USPS how they remove collection boxes when volume doesn’t warrant a collection point & purpose in locking snorkel boxes to prevent vandalizing/stealing of mail Small offices
are shut down but that has always been done & no one ever noticed & very few complained or hours of window operations are cut back. Hey people this is normal within the USPS but in this day of outrage & lies by the left a constant search is on for offense 4 one reason or another
The left has become so immoral & put their worst representation out there to stir divide & racial tensions Stop & think people WHAT HAVE DEMOCRATS EVER DONE FOR YOU what have they done to rebuild the slums or bring industry or jobs back to the American People. I watched WV as the
Aluminum plants, Stamping plants, Sewing factories, Coal mines, Steel mills & Chemical plants disappeared during the Obama administration with over 12k people leaving the state to find jobs & by 2030 expected to be as many as 46k because our jobs were shipped overseas by Obama
Under @realDonaldTrump the jobs have improved but much more needs to be done. President Trump has brought back close to 8 million jobs & 7.5 million people have come off of welfare which had more than doubled under Obama whose goal was to have a Socialist nation dependent upon
Government instead of being the proud workers of America with pride of work pride of country & respect for our flag. Remember Michelle’s comment “All this for a damned flag” For those of us that haven’t been brainwashed #LiberallyIndoctrinated we hold a love & respect for country
that is beyond reproach & cannot be shaken #WeThePeople have endured & will to the end Many fought & died for the freedoms we take for granted My family lost many in our fight to be free, cousins, uncles & My father, husband & even my daughter served that we might be a free
Nation. I’ve watched our once great & beautiful cities under rule of those of the four former administrations crumble under the Democrats as they become unlivable slums like LA, San Fran, Baltimore, Chicago, NY all having one thing in common Democratic rule. Now those cities burn
If you feel this country is so bad but you only seek to destroy her then do the rest of Americans a favor & leave Go find your Utopia elsewhere Go to the socialist eden you desire so much where the #FreeShitFairy is your lord & master but don’t impose your BS ideal on the rest of
us that desire a free strong prosperous country over a weak Communist prison with all being slaves to the government. Are you too blind & foolish to know what the Democrats want for your lives? You cry for Medicare4All & wish our country overrun by illegals & yep they get all
the benefits with none of the work we’ve put in #Free4All but it’s not free American workers will foot the bill. Biden calls for $3B in tax increase It won’t come from his or his rich cronies but from American workers. To have Socialism they must make all the people equally
destitute & equally dependent on the government. It’s government slavery people & your precious Medicare4All will quickly bankrupt our country. Do you really want the government deciding what medical treatment you receive? Do you remember Mike Bloomberg’s statement on limiting
treatment to the elderly? They will deny coverage & allow them to suffer & die. Yes the government will determine what’s covered & what’s not & most will NOT fit under what will be a very stringent criteria. Anyone on Medicare now knows how little they pay for procedures & must
carry additional coverage or face unimaginable medical bills. Kamala Harris has already stated private coverage will be done away with. It won’t apply to Congress as they exempted themselves from Obamacare knowing it was set up to fail so they could force Medicare4All on the rest
of us. They thought they’d have us by the throats now & thought Hillary would never lose as they thought their fix was in but “the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry” They never expected that others had plans to stop them & stop our Nation from being sold out to NWO.
An unimaginable evil exists within our own government & it’s not difficult to see where it stems from... nothing new... it’s been festering for the past 50 years... which ones have been in office the longest.. yet done the least for America Biden’s 51 years have yielded not one
good thing for America. The racist cry racism. The corrupt cry as their corruption is exposed. Don’t look away America as your complacency is what has allowed this to occur. We have been asleep much too long & all of our freedoms are at stake. Our homes, families, our right to
worship our God even our rights to free speech & assembly are slowly being removed. Democrats only desire is power over us. Their greed & corruption has driven them beyond madness & it shows in their empty eyes & blackened hearts. Are they your future? A future of government
slavery to be told what you can own to lose what you own to be told where & when you can go. If you think this Covid lockdown has been bad imagine if they are given more power over your life. Remember the lie “If you like your Dr you can keep your Dr”? That worked well as most
Drs refused the Obamacare insurances & you had to find new Drs. Keep believing the lies handed to you by the Democrats & their pawns the #MSMMediaClowns or choose to #WakeUp #WalkAwayFromDemocrats Your very life depends on it #VoteRedToSaveAmerica #VoteRED2020RemoveEveryDemocrat
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