2/ Since @realDonaldTrump unveiled his so-called “Peace to Prosperity” plan back in January of this year, we’ve been talking a lot about #annexation.
3/ That’s because Trump’s plan, which had little to do with peace, envisioned the West Bank carved up into a collection of non-contiguous islands of semi-autonomous Palestinian city-states, surrounded by a sea of Israeli sovereignty.
4/ All spring and summer, those who care about democracy and the future of Israelis and Palestinians raised the alarm about the prospects of unilateral Israeli annexation.
5/ Even @PatinkinMandy, the Homeland star, lent his voice to our campaign.
6/ Earlier this week, everyone was taken by surprise – including Netanyahu’s own Defense and Foreign Ministers – by the announcement that the UAE had reached an agreement with Israel to normalize relations in exchange for Israel putting its annexation plans on ice.
7/ Of course, annexation carried with it few direct benefits. And the costs were — and remain — steep. Israel stood to gain little to from formal, de jure annexation. Israel already effectively controls the entirety of the territory under discussion.
8/ And it has continued, virtually unimpeded, with a state-driven settlement enterprise that in many ways amounts to de facto annexation. “Why buy the cow, when you can get the milk for free?” as the saying goes.
9/ But the threat has not gone away. Despite explicit commitments made to the US and the UAE, Netanyahu has publicly reiterated that annexation remains his policy.
10/ But what is important to keep in mind that this peace deal, as welcome as it is, does nothing to resolve the basic, underlying disputes at the heart of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. On this score, Netanyahu has nothing to offer but continued occupation. END
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