One of the most formative realisations people must have before they see the nature of capitalism is that, more than likely, you won't "make it"

When you accept that you're not gonna be at the top of the capitalism, that's when you're more concerned about people's needs *today*.
Especially if you're someone whose working class. "Hustle" and "grinding" culture (the whole "let's get this bread thing") is way more predominant among working class people, because it acts as a tantalising form of bait to keep people on the hamster wheel...
...if you work hard enough, if you just grind enough, if you just deprive yourself of enough time with your friends and family and sleep, you too can be rich.

It's not true. Anyone can make it in capitalism, but not everyone can.
Knowing you won't beat this game at its own rules means you suddenly open yourself up to tangibly improving your material existence through everyone's being improved in socialism

The ultimate way to win at capitalism is to stop playing. And we can only all do that together.
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