I get a shockingly high number of these messages, so I'm now using this as a teaching opportunity. Unfortunately, there's no such thing as a writer selling their script/story to a AAA game studio!
Game writers are hired to either:
A) Write the beats and dialogue for a story already agreed upon by upon leadership (more common)
B) Create a new story to match an existing IP or design (less common and only happens at the lead/director level)
The Hollywood model of pitching a story and a studio buying it wholesale just doesn't happen in games (and if it has, it was a bizarre rare occurrence I haven't heard about).
If you have a story and you want to see it as a game, the reality is that you'll have to either make it yourself, pay people lots of money to make it for you, or keep it in your back pocket for when you work your way up to director status. All are technically feasible!
Okay final amendment: a game script needs to be written at the same time the game is being designed, and the two need to blend. The games you've played with "bad stories" are because either the script or the design was finished long before the other had a chance to catch up.
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