Moaning-faced prick warning ⚠️

I'm weary of being judged on my consumer choices and made to feel they're a moral failing. Lockdown coincided with my parental leave, during which I received half my salary, then statuary pay, then nothing.
My wife's wages paid for our rent and all of our bills, as mine had when she was on half pay prior to me taking over. We had saved for this period, and I had also set aside funds for the occasional pint on the way home from baby activities and the like.
Unfortunately there were no such activities, so my money went on beer orders for home delivery as well as buying supermarket beers as part of our regular shop for essentials (almost exclusively Jaipur from Tesco).
During lockdown I bought beer from independents including my local independent 'grocery store' for want of a better phrase, but not nearly as much as I would have liked. What right-thinking person doesn't want to support ethical, local and independent businesses after all?
ESPECIALLY if they're owned by 'sound cunts'™, which in this case they most certainly are. I also bought beer directly from at least five independent breweries, from some more than once.
Guess what though? If, when money is scarce, I can get mildly drunk for £9 on cans of really, really good (and more importantly consistent) IPA from Tesco then I will. I understand that this is a really, really difficult time in unprecedented circumstances for independents. I do.
I'd like every single purchase I make go to passionate, sound people and not shareholders or millionaire CEOs, but it's just not realistic for me to do so. I suppose I'm just asking for less judgement on people's choices, - choices that are rarely made without consideration.
Anyway, have a nice weekend. I'll be visiting nice indie shops and pubs tomorrow before buying cans of Camden Hells to take to a family bbq. To those indies who I love, and to indies in general (apart from Tories), keep doing what you do. I sincerely hope you come through this.
My thoughts now turn to whether this thread is the result of lockdown paranoia, low self-esteem and Catholic guilt. Good night all! ☺️
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