I really didn't want to do this but y'all been pushing my buttons all day so... መለስ ዜናዊ! (A thread)

Before I start I want to let you know I am not here for your political narrative or your spinning of facts. I am only interested in facts and figures. (1/n)
As Hova once said "Men lie, Women lie... numbers don't"

Was there good done in the TPLF era through the leadership of Meles? Absolutely! There were many infrastructures built especially hydro electric generation plants, roads, industry zones... (2/n)
...the developmental state policy despite its many flaws & opportunities for abuse has bear fruits, child mortality rate has plummeted, life expectancy increased, absolute poverty dramatically reduced... (3/n)
Eventhou the economic development unfairly benefited those on top and further widened the wealth gap there was was a consistent economic growth.

And yes although the timing was very suspicious (Arab spring) GERD was the absolute right call & we are grateful for it. (4/n)
This being said we also have to mention the rampant corruption and power abuse in the TPLF era to a point it wasn't even secretive, every citizen knew the country was being ripped off, we just couldn't do jack about it. (5/n)
And now since the receipts are coming out we see they were even robbing from our flagship project GERD!

We shall also discuss the thousand upon thousands that were routinely being tortured & killed my security forces with the blessing of Meles and his office. (6/n)
The vulgar human right abuses, the environment created to intimidate journalist, jail & torture them with impunity. The elections frauds we became so numb to, not to mention the 97 (2005 GC) massacre... (7/n)
...the purposefully orchestrated ethnic tensions that were put under the disguise of "ethnic federalism" that are erupting now... I can go on and on because Meles & TPLF went on and on for decades disenfranchising, defrauding & murdering my fellow Ethiopians. (8/n)
So yes, I will gladly and genuinely admit the fact that Meles & TPLF did some good (which by the way was there absolute duty as a government) if you are willing to admit the atrocities Meles & TPLF did. (9/n)
Here is a departing thought, if you disagree with my points and are a fan of Meles because of his unquestionable intellect or his governance, I am very much willing to have a mature & civil debate with you. (10/n)
But if you only stand by him despite everything just because you happen to share the same ethnicity, your opinions don't mean jack shit to me. You will first need to grow up and unlearn your biases. Here is a start... (11/n)
"If you are emotionally attached to your tribe, religion or political leaning to the point that truth and justice become secondary considerations, your education is useless. Your exposure is useless" Dr. Chuba Williams Okadigbo (12/n)

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