Can't wait to see how @theandrewhoward spins this appalling result.

12 team league doesn't work at all, and it's now cost us a coefficient place and the league of some of it's biggest clubs.

The @CymruLeagues as a product is worse for fans than a decade ago.
We have an awful TV deal which doesn't encourage viewers from outside of Wales and Welsh speakers.

Next to zero coverage of leagues outside the top flight, and a major cup competition only sees the final broadcast.
I've also been told in the past by a major news outlet that the product built by the FAW isn't good enough to cover the league other than a bit in a South Wales paper.

Our national leagues are only covered by local media or independent media outlets.
And then there's the players...

Yes we're a majority semi-professional league, but we're also probably the only FIFA affiliated nation who can't boast a single player to play national team minutes from its own domestic leagues.

If FIFA ever put a quota in we'd be fucked
The licensing debacle every year is farcial too. Requirements for a UEFA A License coach but Tim the bricklayer can play.

Licenses expiring every year meaning a compliant club for 5+ years can finish 9th and be relegated for a fence post out of place.
And we don't actually know who actually goes up or down until well after the season ends.
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