1. Great to chat with old friends, care experienced & not, about getting care experienced family heard & our views taken into account for the care review. Too many of us to fit into private meetings with anonymous professionals & politicians, so looking for alternative methods >
2. I am told there are half a million care experienced folk in the UK, of all ages, heritages, cultures, in all our diversity. The wisdom, life experience & knowledge in this group is staggering. Most are simply ignored in consultations >
3. Gov't & c/servants are reportedly liaising with professionals, "experts" & insiders about a care review. Most are not care experienced, many more haven't even worked a shift in a care setting. Yet these folk are consulted when the care community who bring so much are ignored>
4. It bothers me that Govt are consulting professionals currently responsible for a failing care system about what changes should be made via a Review. Why not ask those who live it & know its impact intimately well, who can't go home at 5 o'clock?
6. Time now to gather the views of the care community, unedited & unfiltered by professionals, & ensure their collective thoughts are placed before the Care Review Chair to balance the care industry lobby & professional perspectives.>
7. We'll be seeking ways to give the care community a voice at any care review that can be heard alongside that of the care industry. Early days yet, but I hope all care experienced folk will ask themselves what they want from a Care Review. We'll try to find ways get you heard
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