On the difference between working for/towards a goal and being a scholar of ...
There are many of us who are actively working towards making science a more equitable and just environment.
Some of us work REALLY hard at it. We mentor students. We give support as much as we can. We try to break down barriers.
But ... none of that make us scholars of barrier breaking. In fact, while we are working hard towards making science just and equitable, our actions may actually be incorrect, even harmful.
While we work towards these goals, it is necessary to really absorb and take to heart the work of scholars in this field.
These are the people who research, think deeply and fully, and PUBLISH on what they find.
As soon as we publish work in an area, we are taking on the imprimatur of being a scholar in that area. It is a statement that we have done the hard work to fully understand and know (or have worked very hard to know) the best ways at doing something.
I want to support and be good at facilitating DEI efforts. I do work hard at it for my students and the field of chemistry. But I am no scholar. I don't always understand how my well intentioned actions may be harmful.
But, I am always happy to learn and try to do better.
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