I've been told that there is a standardised email floating around between MP's/MP's at the moment about the section 30 case, very similar to Mr Wishart's post. You'd think by now they would realise - I HEAR EVERYTHING.
I just want them to know something, and let me spell this out. Your party chose to interject in the case. We invited the Scottish Government as a matter of precedence or "commissioned" them for "any interest" they might have in the case. They DID NOT have to...
...take up this invitation. However, it is not unreasonable to expect a modicum of good faith if they chose to do so.
They did not have to put forward a motion to stymie the case for three months, which they lost. They did not then have to file another motion dropped on us to try and transfer the matter to another process in court...
...for the purposes of shortcircuiting the court's authority, then drop it at the last minute. It is also funny (and I will not comment on the possible reasons for it) that after each, the Scottish Government asked us to assume our own expenses.
These were not legal decisions - they were political decisions and I highly suspect they were intended to drain resources of the thousands who gave their hard-earned cash to support the case.
Of course, after all of this, the Protected Expenses Order was not granted. I'm assuming at this point that the Scottish Government believed that the case was a dead duck. However, unlike some people. I have faith in the people in this movement to achieve any set goal!
I'm also assuming that HQ soiled its pants when it saw my tweet about "go big or go home" when despite the odds, I decided to push on. Then again, when it realised that I gave instructions to go ahead and file the closed record.
I suspect your HQ soiled its pants because after my tweet I get an email asking me about my intentions. Then after the fundraiser starts to climb and I put out a message that the closed record is to be filed (which means soon to be public) suddenly motion appears asking for...
..the Scottish Government to withdraw. Emails start to be sent distancing the Scottish Government from the Lord Advocate. Said motion meaning I can't discuss the contents of the Scottish Governments submission to the court because they have withdrawn.
And now it seems that there is specific narratives being passed back and forth behind MP's and MSP's in the SNP from on-high which I have just been informed about.
I am genuinely ashamed of members of parliament. You refuse to stand by over 7000 of your own constituents (apart from a select few who I have the utmost respect for standing by their principles). This is NOT ABOUT YOU! It's not about your party. It's about the millions...
...of ordinary Scots who in less than four and a half months are about to get boned by a tory Brexit. It's about democratic engagement and YES it's about sovereignty in layman's terms - because EVERY exercise of democracy from the people IS the exercise of their sovereignty.
Should we just go ahead and call a spade a spade at this point? Should we just go ahead and address the Black and Yellow elephant in the room? OK! Let's do that. 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 - referendum, referendum, referendum.
The last one? It will be before the end of this parliamentary term. You were elected on a specific democratic mandate to deliver that referendum. You failed to do so. You continue to fail to do so, and now you talk about may 2021.
The problem is, intentional or not, that you have created a situation whereby you ask the Scottish Electorate to trust you when you say you will call a referendum if elected in 2021. And reasonably they ask...
...themselves if 2021 will be different from 2019 or 2020. You have done nothing to dissuade such fears. Campaigns need hope - you're surreptitiously draining it! Combine this with the fact in multiple regions you will gain no seats in the regional ballot, yet hammer an
SNP/SNP line. Now we turn to the inescapable truth of the religious sec 30 line, something which you know is likely to fail and I would reasonably argue that even after a positive ruling in this case, you could still pursue, but you would do it with a threat in your pocket of...
...give us a section 30 or we'll do it ourselves. You want to talk about the untenability of Boris Johnson refusing a section 30, well how tenable do you think his position will be when you have the full authority to say "give us it or we'll do it ourselves".
It cannot be escaped, the fundamental truth, that this case does do one thing. It makes the SNP's line of "Section 30 only" untenable. It will test the party and hold it to account - and with the electorate? There will be no ambiguity over the position of Section 30....
...there will be no fear from the electorate if a ballot is called without one because it will have been deemed to be legitimate. It will have been deemed to be lawful. It will be internationally recognised and it will put to rest 20 years of Westminster perpetuated ambiguity!
You ask for such trust, but yet you do not reciprocate that same trust to the very people who entrust you with their vote. It is neither academic nor is it arbitrary to ask you clearly where you stand. Nor is it unreasonable to say that based on your actions...
...others should be elected to the list from the wider yes movement to stand in Holyrood next to you and hold you to your promise of a referendum after the May election. That may very well annoy you, but I'd like to see the seat you wont get, filled with yessers rather than ...
unionists..In closing -let me be clear. I am not a politician but I put this case to the ordinary electorate. Over 7000 and counting back the action. Unlike politicians, I WILL CARRY OUT what they have instructed me to do and I will do so with all the tools at my disposal.
As a wise man once said - Lead, Follow, or get out of the way!

Oh! and one more thing - stop bragging about electoral intention polls - you sound like the labour party under blair!
Cue the angry tweets!
Oh! And just FYI - Everything I have said above I have had from 5 different sources. I waited before saying anything.
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