Thank you @KenzieBok for speaking up months ago for protected bike lanes around Boston Common/Public Garden, and for speaking up now to make them permanent! #HealthyStreetsBos
@MattOMalley highlights the need for #HealthyStreetsBos to extend beyond downtown, and to place a greater emphasis on equity. Also notes potential for micromobility to help people get around during/after pandemic
"It's imperative that we make cycling safe." — @LizBreadon, noting that many more people are turning to bikes #HealthyStreetsBos

(btw thank you for co-sponsoring this hearing @LizBreadon + @wutrain!)
@StreetsBoston ED Stacy Thompson: “We were initially very excited and we have been very supportive" of #HealthyStreetsBos, but it's clear the first phase is “not meeting the needs” of residents.
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