1) I wrote a long piece in February 2019 questioning whether the We Build The Wall campaign was a scam. Some of you might find this interesting background reading for today’s story.


#BannonIndicted #BannonArrested
3) The Daily Caller, is a very right-wing, Trump-loving news site that had at first been enthusiastic about the We Build The Wall fund raising effort.
5) Of particular interest, there were several people you may have heard of who were associated with the campaign who were NOT cited in today’s indictment—“Sheriff” David Clarke, Erik Prince, and Kris Kobach.
6) All three were on the We Build The Wall’s advisory board. In addition, Kobach was their General Counsel.


We can only hope that more names will be added to today’s indictment.
7) Also of interest, Brian Kolfage and Kris Kobach issued a press release on January 25, 2019 stating that their project had Donald Trump’s blessing.

8) And these two sentences from a New York Times article may also be of interest:

9) So the question is: Were Kobach and Kolfage lying when they said that the project had Trump’s blessing? If they were lying, if Trump never gave them his blessing, why didn’t Trump blast them at the time?
10) Trump is not particularly known for letting other people use his name to raise money without his permission.
11) And surely, since the NYT had contacted the White House press office to get a comment on this, you’d think that Trump would be aware that they were using his name to promote their project. Now maybe Trump did blast them later. It’s possible I could have missed something.
12) But with the following exception, I am not aware of Trump criticizing their effort.
13) Trump did have a bit of a falling out with Kolfage last month after questions about the soundness of their section of the Wall’s construction came to light.
14) I wrote about this as an update at the end of my article, but here is a taste for those who don’t want to wade through what I have written. /END https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1282276752090431490
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