The desire to belong is a strong trigger that improves your copy.

Individuals want to belong to the class of people who use a certain product.

This is because those who use those products are perceived as higher up on the social ladder.

In the mobile phone category,

Users of iPhone and Samsung models are seen as more sophisticated.
It's a well-known fact that both brands are the biggest in the market.

But the desire to use any of these phones is not down to their size,

Nor capacity of their brands;

It’s purely sentimental.
Imagine Elon musk pulls his weight behind a new mobile phone manufacturer,

That mobile brand instantly becomes the desires of many.

And it's not because the phone is better than the iPhone or Samsung brand.
This same scenario cuts across all industries and products:

fashion, cars, and gadgets.

A consumer who buys a specific brand is motivated by belonging to the group of people who use that brand.
Understanding this psychological trigger is an advantage when shaping your copy.

But first, you must understand the nature of your customers.

Understanding their nature helps you pull the right buttons.
Another point to note is desire to collect.

Humans have inherent desire to acquire a large collection of a product brand.
This urge is true and, most likely, only understood by people who sell collectibles.

What is often overlooked is the fact that this can be used to sell other products as well.

You might think that because someone has a wristwatch,
They won't have a need or desire to buy another one.

This is just wrong as People collect them.

They have several pairs of wristwatches and other items that tickle their fancy.
Take a look at superstars and celebrities for example.

They drive the best cars and wear the nicest outfits.

They have the coolest accessories and gadgets as well.
Every once in a while, they show-off some of their collections,

Yet you marvel at how much of the same item they own.

If they had one already, why purchase more?
This doesn’t only apply to the rich,

It's the same principle that drives every other person to do the same.

People tend to hold an emotional attachment toward certain items,
It brings them great satisfaction and joy,

Especially when they peek into their collection.

This feeling can only be understood if you’ve ever been a collector of an item,
Or you’re currently doing so.

As a copywriter, understand that people have an emotional need to collect a series of similar items.

And this provides you with an opportunity to sell to them
End of thread.

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