Manillas Currency are form of money, an African civilization usually made of bronze or copper, which were being in used especially in West Africa and Africa, it Originated by the Efik people of Akwa Akpa Kingdom now in Calabar, Cross River State Nigeria in the early 15th Century
It has been documented that in 1505 at Calabar, (Nigeria) Manillas were being used as a medium of exchange. It is known as Okpoho Manilla by the Efik people.
The currency spread throughout Africa and it continued to serve as money and decorative objects until the late 1940s.
They are usually horseshoe-shaped, with terminations that face each other and are roughly lozenge-shaped.
The earliest use of manillas was in West Africa, as a means of exchange they originated in Calabar and use across the Old Eastern part of Nigeria then spread across Africa.
Calabar(Akwa Akpa) was the chief city of the ancient coastal kingdoms of the Bight of Biafra. It was here in 1505 that a slave could be bought for 8–10 manillas, and an elephant’s tooth for one copper manila.
Manillas bear some resemblance to torcs or torques in being rigid and circular and open-ended at the front. Africans of each region had names for each variety of manilla, probably varying locally.
They valued them differently, and were notoriously particular about their types.
A report by the British Consul of Fernando Po in 1856 lists five different patterns of manillas in use in Akwa Akpa.
The Egyptians have also been suggested as they used penannular money.
Manillas Currency later became a legal money along the coast of Benin and Biafra for Slave trade and across almost all coastal region where slave trade existed.
Manillas may be occasionally still used in few remote villages in Burkina Faso (2000).
Most Manillas Currency are currently on display in most Museum across the world.

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